Corporate Finance
We measure our performance by the long-term success of our clients.
Bluemint Capital helps clients improve ongoing performance, optimize their transaction and investment strategies, and enhance fundamental company value. Whether a company is contemplating a transaction, allocating capital, addressing profitability and liquidity issues, or weighing alternative growth strategies, we provide advice and management tools based on a rigorous value creation perspective.
Fund Raising
Over the years, we have built strong relationships with private HNW investors, family offices and institutional investors both nationally and internationally, allowing us to quickly and efficiently find the right type of capital for your company’s fundraising needs.
Whether it be to finance growth, a financial restructuring, an MBO or an MBI, we will sit down with you to evaluate not only what type of financing will be most suitable but also to identify your optimal future investment base – one that will protect the interests of current stakeholders for the long term.
Rainforest Action Initiative
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Zero Carbon M&A ADVISORY
There are many reasons to divest, merge or acquire a business and we know from experience that all our client engagements offer their own unique challenges, but our singular focus will always be to maximize the value you can obtain, both economically and strategically, at the correct timing. With our multi-disciplinary team at your disposal, our approach is intended to support you not just today, but long into the future.